On-Demand Training for
Laserfiche Users
Discover the ultimate resource for Laserfiche users of all skill levels. With our annual subscription, you gain unlimited access to an extensive online video library, delivering a diverse range of courses and videos tailored to enhance your Laserfiche experience.
19,000+ people
have already embraced this invaluable resource, leveraging its power to watch training videos and complete courses.
700 videos and counting
You'll find a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips, covering a wide array of topics.
Why Choose The Training Center?
Witness the Laserfiche revolution! Our cutting-edge platform reduces the learning curve, propelling your organization to new heights of efficiency and productivity.
Create a Laserfiche Training Plan
✔ Seamless ImplementationSet the stage for success! Lay a solid foundation of Laserfiche basics prior to implementation, ensuring a smooth and effortless deployment experience. |
✔ Refresh Training Made EasyUnleash your full potential! Refresh and rewind on basic and advanced features and functionality, empowering you to make the most of Laserfiche's powerful capabilities. |
✔ Accelerate System ExpansionEmbrace growth with confidence! Enable new departments to seamlessly adopt Laserfiche, reducing the learning curve and providing instant answers to their questions. |
✔ Troubleshooting Made SimpleEmpower yourself! Encounter unexpected issues? Accidentally change your settings? Our comprehensive training videos will guide you back on track in no time. |
✔ Streamlined HR OnboardingBoost productivity from day one! Save valuable time during the onboarding process for new employees or Laserfiche users with dedicated training for your team. |
✔ Stay Ahead with Release UpdatesStay in the know! The Training Center keeps you up-to-date with the latest Laserfiche release updates and vital changes through informative videos. |